Thursday, March 05, 2015

HBO Registers URL For “HBO Now” Website

The URL for "" has recently been registered on behalf of HBO, giving credence to reports that it will use the HBO Now name for its upcoming streaming service.

The URL for “” has recently been registered on behalf of HBO, giving credence to reports that it will use the HBO Now name for its upcoming streaming service.

Yesterday, we got the first meaty (but currently unconfirmed) details about HBO’s upcoming standalone streaming service. And new information seems to indicate that the name of the service may indeed be HBO Now.

While a WhoIs search for shows that this URL is currently held by domain name registrar Dynadot, it’s worth noting that the name was snapped up in Sept. 2014, shortly before HBO announced it would launch a standalone streaming service.

So that doesn’t tell us much, but simply adding a dash and coming up with, you get results for a URL registered by MarkMonitor (who holds regist on behalf of HBO. Additionally, the URL was registered in Jan. 2015, meaning this is a new URL for the cable network and not some address it snapped up years ago for an abandoned project.

It’s worth noting that HBO holds both the and URLs, though the hyphenated version does not redirect to the streaming service. So perhaps is not the actual URL the network will use but just a way for the company to block people from hijacking that name.

As you’d probably expect, HBO is neither confirming nor denying any of the recent news regarding HBO Now (or whatever they might end up calling it).

“We know there is great anticipation about our standalone streaming service,” reads a statement to Consumerist. “And when we have details to share, we will do so.”

According to the countdown clock atop the home page of Game of Thrones news site,, we’re only 38 days away from the season premiere of the wildly popular HBO series, and numerous reports about the streaming service have indicated that the goal is to get it up and running before that date.

So maybe it’s time for HBO to stop being so mysterious and just share those details?

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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